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How to wear your Chrysalis Cardi as a Skirt

How to wear your Chrysalis Cardi as a Skirt

Travel Essentials for the Everyday Traveler. Ethically made in Canada with sustainable and eco friendly materials.

How to Tie an Infinity Scarf into a Party Skirt

While preparing our lookbook for holiday parties, I accidentally discovered how to style the Chrysalis Cardi as a fun party skirt.

Travel Essentials for the Everyday Traveler. Ethically made in Canada with sustainable and eco friendly materials.

Due to popular demand, we created this short video to show you how to create the look.

It's actually easier than you think!



Note: the video has no voiceover, so here are the detailed written directions.

  1. Unsnap all snaps on the Chrysalis Cardi.
  2. Open up the Cardi so it's like a big loop.
  3. Turn the Cardi inside out so seam and tag are showing!
  4. Step into the loop (doesn't matter which edge is up!)
  5. Tie a belt at your natural waist. We used the belt that comes with the Chrysalis Cardi, but I think a cleaner/smoother finish would be achieved by a fitted elasticized belt (our Cardi belt is quite long!). You ideally want to hide the belt as much as possible as it will add volume to the waist which is why a shorter belt is better.
  6. Pull the fabric down overtop the belt. 
  7. Adjust as needed to straighten the hem!
And voila!

Though this design wasn't created with the skirt look in mind, it will definitely work when you're in a pinch looking for the perfect work or going out skirt.

On me, as you can see on our previous blog post, with the regular-sized Chrysalis Cardi it hits just at knee length (I'm just over 5'9" tall). 

Travel Essentials for the Everyday Traveler. Ethically made in Canada with sustainable and eco friendly materials.

To see our 8 other how to wear videos for the Chrysalis Cardi, click here.

How are you going to style your party skirt?

Would love to hear. Leave your styling ideas in the comments below.

With gratitude,

Travel Essentials for the Everyday Traveler. Ethically made in Canada with sustainable and eco friendly materials.

Chief Fashionpreneur, encircled

Travel Essentials for the Everyday Traveler. Ethically made in Canada with sustainable and eco friendly materials.Travel Essentials for the Everyday Traveler. Ethically made in Canada with sustainable and eco friendly materials.Travel Essentials for the Everyday Traveler. Ethically made in Canada with sustainable and eco friendly materials.Travel Essentials for the Everyday Traveler. Ethically made in Canada with sustainable and eco friendly materials.

Travel Essentials for the Everyday Traveler. Ethically made in Canada with sustainable and eco friendly materials.Love travel? Join our League of Travelistas -- a community for women who love to travel. Click her to request access to our private facebook group.

 Please note: All photos are copyrighted to Encircled, and may be used if credited and linked back to this post. We receive no compensation from any of the brands featured in this post.



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