Countdown to Paradise {Pre-trip prep}: Test Pack

Gosh, packing is SUPER stressful. Hopefully by now, after reading your {Start your packing prep}, you at the very least have a mountain of clothes and toiletries spilling out of a suitcase, and maybe a handful of post-its.
But... how will you know if everything fits? Are you bringing stuff you maybe don't need?
Do a Test Pack
Historically, I've done this uhmmm the night before which is not good. You're already stressed out about waking up at 4am for a flight the last thing you need is a broken zipper at 10pm. I've started now doing this a few days earlier.
Take everything you have, and fold 'er or roll 'er up and put it in the suitcase. Will it close? Do you have room for souvenirs? If the answer is NO, it's time to edit.
Take a good look at that agenda you created on Day 6. Where are you going? What are you doing? Will there be access to laundry? Start to look at items you are bringing. Are they versatile? Are you wearing them more than once?
Take stuff out. Trust me, you will thank me later on this.
But be strategic about it. Meaning, don't leave yourself with 8 pairs of pants and no skirts. Also, think of your destination, will you want to buy stuff? Leave some space!
Consider your post-its (and other stuff you're using up until trip day). Leave room for that stuff.
And last but certainly not least, weigh your luggage. Yup. My secret weapon is my Heys Xscale Luggage weigher-thingy. And no, I don't work for Heys and this is not sponsored by Heys but if they'd like to toss a few free ones my way to give to my readers.. I wouldn't complain :) The scale is portable. You can bring it with you. Exceeding your luggage weight limit is VERY expensive. They charge you by the kilo/pound (depending on where you are) and often make you take stuff out of the bag and put into airport bags/boxes for transport. A total recipe for lost luggage.
Weigh before you travel!
What are your favourite packing tips? Share them in the comments below!
Until tomorrow...
With wanderlust,
Chief Fashionpreneur, encircled
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